Search 5th Grade Lesson Plans : Page 18

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5th grade
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All About the Informative Essay
All About the Informative Essay
Lesson Plan
All About the Informative Essay
Informative essays have a structure that is fairly easy to dissect. This lesson includes an anchor essay which students will mark up, a mixed-up essay outline for them to sort, and a web for them to organize ideas for their own essay.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Arrays for Fraction Products
Arrays for Fraction Products
Lesson Plan
Arrays for Fraction Products
Illustrating products for fractions with arrays is fun! Use this lesson plan to teach your students to visualize products as arrays when faced with multiplying fraction factors.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Volume as Additive: Create a Hamster Mansion
Volume as Additive: Create a Hamster Mansion
Lesson Plan
Volume as Additive: Create a Hamster Mansion
Students will practice calculating volume as an additive property by making mock hamster mansions from boxes. Groups will calculate the volume of living space that they designed for their hamster in cm³ and document their work.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Varsity Parts of Speech Review
Varsity Parts of Speech Review
Lesson Plan
Varsity Parts of Speech Review
By the upper grades, students are pretty familiar with nouns, verbs, and adjectives. This rich, engaging varsity-level review incorporates the lesser-studied parts of speech: articles, prepositions, adverbs, and superlative adjectives.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Whose Point Is It Anyway?
Whose Point Is It Anyway?
Lesson Plan
Whose Point Is It Anyway?
What if Cinderella’s stepsisters weren’t really evil? In this engaging lesson, you will introduce your students to multiple points of view and discuss how these different perspectives can change a reader’s experience.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Dividing Decimals
Dividing Decimals
Lesson Plan
Dividing Decimals
Help students transition from a visual representation of dividing decimals to using the standard algorithm for dividing decimals by a whole number. Use this lesson on its own or as support for th lesson Diner Division.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Compare Common Denominators Methods
Compare Common Denominators Methods
Lesson Plan
Compare Common Denominators Methods
Challenge your students to compare two methods for finding the least common multiple between two fractions. Use this lesson on its own or as support for the lesson Make It Work! Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Fractional Tape Diagram Descriptions
Fractional Tape Diagram Descriptions
Lesson Plan
Fractional Tape Diagram Descriptions
Target math academic language in this multidisciplinary lesson! Write descriptive sentences about tape diagrams that show fractional parts. Use this lesson on its own or use it as support for the lesson Fractions and Word Problems.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Rounding Roundtable
Rounding Roundtable
Lesson Plan
Rounding Roundtable
Challenge students to talk about rounded numbers to the millions place value. Use this lesson as a standalone lesson or as support to the lesson Numbers All A-Round.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Decimal Placement with Division
Decimal Placement with Division
Lesson Plan
Decimal Placement with Division
Encourage learners to discuss decimal point placement with division and apply their understanding of standard algorithm decimal division. Use this lesson on its own or use it as support to the lesson Dividing Decimals Dash.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Subtracting Fractions Justifications
Subtracting Fractions Justifications
Lesson Plan
Subtracting Fractions Justifications
Continue to build on your students' understanding of unlike denominators by asking students to justify their answers of fraction subtraction. Use this lesson with the Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators lesson.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Decimal Product Reasonableness
Decimal Product Reasonableness
Lesson Plan
Decimal Product Reasonableness
Discuss correct decimal placement using logical arguments and by multiplying whole numbers. Use this lesson as a standalone lesson or use it as support to the lesson Multiply Decimals.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Understand African American Spirituals
Understand African American Spirituals
Lesson Plan
Understand African American Spirituals
Spirituals have a long history in the United States, and often serve to strengthen and motivate people. Students will compare three types of spirituals from different time periods and share their understanding with their peers.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Making Judgements: Is it True?
Making Judgements: Is it True?
Lesson Plan
Making Judgements: Is it True?
In this lesson, students will engage in inquiry, a powerful mindfulness practice to work with judgements about oneself and others.
5th grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Being Our Best Selves
Being Our Best Selves
Lesson Plan
Being Our Best Selves
Reflecting on moments when we have been at our best can be a powerful thing! In this lesson, students will reflect on how they contribute to their classroom community and when they have been their best self over the past week.
5th grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Fifth Grade Daily Sub Plan C
Fifth Grade Daily Sub Plan C
Lesson Plan
Fifth Grade Daily Sub Plan C
Substitutes can keep your students learning in your absence by using these engaging lessons, worksheets, and activities. In this one-day sub plan, students will measure volume, consider facts and opinions, and write an opinion piece.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Comparing Two Division Methods
Comparing Two Division Methods
Lesson Plan
Comparing Two Division Methods
Challenge students to compare two strategies for solving division expressions! Students will focus on their language use in this pre-lesson to the Dicey Division lesson.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Part-Whole Division Sentences
Part-Whole Division Sentences
Lesson Plan
Part-Whole Division Sentences
Have students analyze sentences to help them solve story problems in the future! Use this lesson on its own or as support to the lesson Part-Whole Model: Word Problems with Division.
5th grade
Lesson Plan
Appreciating Diversity and Differences
Appreciating Diversity and Differences
Lesson Plan
Appreciating Diversity and Differences
In this lesson, students will hear the story Lovely and work in small groups to create a book or a symbol of appreciation for others' differences. Students will consider how appreciating differences supports community and relationships.
5th grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
'I Tried Hard,' Growth Mindset
'I Tried Hard,' Growth Mindset
Lesson Plan
'I Tried Hard,' Growth Mindset
According to research about growth mindsets, certain kinds of praise can stifle growth, while others promote learning and achievement. In this lesson, students will be able to identify and use praise words that support growth mindset.
5th grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Welcoming All Feelings
Welcoming All Feelings
Lesson Plan
Welcoming All Feelings
In this lesson students will be guided through a session of reflecting on their day and their emotions. They will also practice ways they can welcome and befriend their emotions with kindness and curiosity.
5th grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Understanding Communities and Differences
Understanding Communities and Differences
Lesson Plan
Understanding Communities and Differences
In this lesson students will complete an activity called "Raise Your Hand If You..." and be able to define the word “assumption.” This lesson supports the practice of compassion for oneself and others.
5th grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Positive Role Models
Positive Role Models
Lesson Plan
Positive Role Models
Positive role models can have a powerful impact on individuals and society. In this lesson, students will reflect on the term "positive role model," discuss positive role models in their lives, and research positive role models in history.
5th grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Classroom Time Capsule
Classroom Time Capsule
Lesson Plan
Classroom Time Capsule
Help show your students' growth with a time capsule. Use the lesson plan Classroom Time Capsule to have students prepare any academic work they want to include in the capsule. They will also add a completed worksheet about their goals for 2020.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Holidays Around the World
Holidays Around the World
Lesson Plan
Holidays Around the World
Use this lesson to give your students an opportunity to learn about winter holidays that are celebrated all over the world. Learners will utilize a graphic organizer to guide their research of their chosen or assigned holiday. Then, they will share what they learned with their peers. Your students will hone their research skills by using the internet, books, or other available research materials, and they will practice their speaking and listening skills when they share the interesting facts and details they found. Designed for a second through fifth grade reading and writing curriculum, your learners will enjoy learning about some of the many holidays that are celebrated around the world.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan