Search 5th Grade Science Projects : Page 13

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305 filtered results
5th grade
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Salt Melting Ice
Salt Melting Ice
Science Project
Salt Melting Ice
Discover how and which salt melts ice the quickest.
5th grade
Science Project
A Glass Symphony
A Glass Symphony
Science Project
A Glass Symphony
Discover whether different amounts of water added into a wine glass will produce a different pitch when their fingers are rubbed along the rim.
5th grade
Science Project
Which Type of Sponge Holds the Most Water?
Which Type of Sponge Holds the Most Water?
Science Project
Which Type of Sponge Holds the Most Water?
Find out which type of sponge holds the most water.
5th grade
Science Project
Mylar vs. Latex Balloons
Mylar vs. Latex Balloons
Science Project
Mylar vs. Latex Balloons
Learn whether Mylar Balloons last longer than Latex Balloons or vice versa.
5th grade
Science Project
Does A Longer Paper Airplane Fly Farther than a Wide One?
Does A Longer Paper Airplane Fly Farther than a Wide One?
Science Project
Does A Longer Paper Airplane Fly Farther than a Wide One?
Find out whether a longer airplane will fly farther or a wider paper airplane.
5th grade
Science Project