Search Science Projects : Page 2

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Air Pressure Science Experiment: Balloon and a Jar
Air Pressure Science Experiment: Balloon and a Jar
Science Project
Air Pressure Science Experiment: Balloon and a Jar
In this air pressure science experiment with a balloon and a jar, children will use heat to create a partial vacuum and suck a balloon into a jar.
Science Project
Baseball Science Fair Project: Center of Percussion
Science Project
Baseball Science Fair Project: Center of Percussion
This baseball science fair project explores the concept of an object's center of percussion to determine if the "sweet spot" has a scientific basis.
Science Project
Science Project
Free science fair project idea that examines the ergonomics of your environment. Redesign your living space to be better suited to your lifestyle.
Science Project
Six Degrees of Separation
Six Degrees of Separation
Science Project
Six Degrees of Separation
Science fair project which determines whether it is numerically possible to be connected to every person on the earth within six degrees of separation.
5th grade
Science Project
Plastic Wrap Science Fair Project: Polymer Permeability
Science Project
Plastic Wrap Science Fair Project: Polymer Permeability
In this plastic wrap science fair project, you'll learn about polymer permeability and find out which plastic wrap keeps food from dehydrating best.
3rd grade
Science Project
Potato Chip Science: How Greasy Are Your Potato Chips?
Potato Chip Science: How Greasy Are Your Potato Chips?
Science Project
Potato Chip Science: How Greasy Are Your Potato Chips?
How greasy are your potato chips? Students will use a reliable method to quantify greasiness and compare different brands in this great science fair project.
4th grade
Science Project
Bacteria Science Fair Project: How Does Bleach Kill Bacteria?
Science Project
Bacteria Science Fair Project: How Does Bleach Kill Bacteria?
How does bleach kill bacteria? Kids find out in this impressive bacteria science fair project by testing different concentrations on a safe strain of E. coli.
Science Project
Magnet Science Fair Project: How to Measure the Strength of a Magnet
Magnet Science Fair Project: How to Measure the Strength of a Magnet
Science Project
Magnet Science Fair Project: How to Measure the Strength of a Magnet
Can a toy car determine the strength of a magnet? In this cool magnet science fair project, young scientists will learn how to measure the strength of a magnet.
3rd grade
Science Project
How Round are the Planets?
How Round are the Planets?
Science Project
How Round are the Planets?
This experiment examines if space objects become round after reaching a certain mass.
Science Project
The Science Behind Keeping Flowers Fresh
The Science Behind Keeping Flowers Fresh
Science Project
The Science Behind Keeping Flowers Fresh
When you cut a flower to put into a vase, it'll eventually wilt, even with water and sunshine. But is there another scientific secret to keeping flowers fresh?
2nd grade
Science Project
The Science Behind a Cold Pack
The Science Behind a Cold Pack
Science Project
The Science Behind a Cold Pack
How do cold packs work? Explore endothermic reactions by comparing the temperature change that results from various chemicals added to water to find out!
Science Project
Hot Ice Science Fair Project
Hot Ice Science Fair Project
Science Project
Hot Ice Science Fair Project
Science Project
Examining a Trend in the Periodic Table of Elements
Examining a Trend in the Periodic Table of Elements
Science Project
Examining a Trend in the Periodic Table of Elements
This experiment explores the trend of reactivity in the alkaline earth metals as you go down the second column of the periodic table of elements.
Science Project
Laundry Science: Ready, Get Set, Dry!
Laundry Science: Ready, Get Set, Dry!
Science Project
Laundry Science: Ready, Get Set, Dry!
How would you dry your wet clothes if your dryer didn't work? Find out with this fun experiment!
4th grade
Science Project
Greenhouse Project
Greenhouse Project
Science Project
Greenhouse Project
This science fair project idea teaches how the gases and pollution in the air affect the earth's atmosphere temperature.
3rd grade
Science Project
Oxygen in Water: A Bubbly Science
Oxygen in Water: A Bubbly Science
Science Project
Oxygen in Water: A Bubbly Science
Sure, you already know that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, but did you know that oxygen levels differ in different types of water?
Science Project
Shadow Science: What Makes Shade Shift?
Shadow Science: What Makes Shade Shift?
Science Project
Shadow Science: What Makes Shade Shift?
What makes your shadow dance around all day? Let's play detective and find out why that sneaky shadow never stays in one place for long.
1st grade
Science Project
Car Friction: The Science of Going Fast
Car Friction: The Science of Going Fast
Science Project
Car Friction: The Science of Going Fast
Start your toy engines -- this is going to be a fast and friction-filled race!
2nd grade
Science Project
The Science of Sleep: Testing Dream Recall
The Science of Sleep: Testing Dream Recall
Science Project
The Science of Sleep: Testing Dream Recall
This experiment explores the question of whether age and/or gender play a role in people's ability to remember dreams.
6th grade
Science Project
Spider Science: Exploring the World of Webs
Spider Science: Exploring the World of Webs
Science Project
Spider Science: Exploring the World of Webs
Spiders don't go to grocery stores or fast food chains to get their food -- they set up traps and wait for their food to come to them!
3rd grade
Science Project
Coriolis Effect and Hurricanes
Coriolis Effect and Hurricanes
Science Project
Coriolis Effect and Hurricanes
Learn about the role of Earth's rotation on the Coriolis Effect and hurricanes in this science project. Model the Coriolis Effect on a hurricane's direction.
3rd grade
Science Project
Bird Seed Science: Do Birds Prefer Certain Colors?
Bird Seed Science: Do Birds Prefer Certain Colors?
Science Project
Bird Seed Science: Do Birds Prefer Certain Colors?
Why does purple cheese look nasty? Because color plays a big part in how we perceive the taste of different foods. Are birds just like us in this respect?
1st grade
Science Project
What Causes the Phases of the Moon?
What Causes the Phases of the Moon?
Science Project
What Causes the Phases of the Moon?
What cause the phases of the moon? Make a model to see how the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth cause the crescent, gibbous, quarter, full, and new moon.
5th grade
Science Project
Use the Altitude of Polaris to Find Latitude
Use the Altitude of Polaris to Find Latitude
Science Project
Use the Altitude of Polaris to Find Latitude
In this project, all you need is a protractor to learn how to use the altitude of Polaris to find latitude on Earth. Polaris is also known as the North Star.
4th grade
Science Project
A Rocky Quiz
A Rocky Quiz
Science Project
A Rocky Quiz
Check out this cool science project idea to learn about rocks and explore the cycles of formation, breakdown, and reformation of rocks in the Earth's crust.
3rd grade
Science Project