Search 4th Grade Science Projects : Page 10

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4th grade
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Whatever Floats Your Boat
Whatever Floats Your Boat
Science Project
Whatever Floats Your Boat
This science fair project idea explores how the shape of a boat affects its density and how much weight it can float.
4th grade
Science Project
Stars In The Sky
Stars In The Sky
Science Project
Stars In The Sky
This science fair project investigates why the number of visible stars changes from place to place.
4th grade
Science Project
Defying Gravity
Defying Gravity
Science Project
Defying Gravity
This science fair project idea investigates how magnetism can defy the force of gravity.
4th grade
Science Project
A Glass Symphony
A Glass Symphony
Science Project
A Glass Symphony
Discover whether different amounts of water added into a wine glass will produce a different pitch when their fingers are rubbed along the rim.
4th grade
Science Project
Salt Melting Ice
Salt Melting Ice
Science Project
Salt Melting Ice
Discover how and which salt melts ice the quickest.
4th grade
Science Project
Seafloor Spreading Model
Seafloor Spreading Model
Science Project
Seafloor Spreading Model
In this experiment, you'll make a seafloor spreading model to learn more about how plate tectonics work and create mid-ocean ridges.
4th grade
Science Project
How to Prevent Erosion
How to Prevent Erosion
Science Project
How to Prevent Erosion
Kids learn how to prevent erosion by growing grass. They'll test soil with grass against raw soil in this revealing science fair project idea for 4th grade.
4th grade
Science Project
Effective Hand Washing
Effective Hand Washing
Science Project
Effective Hand Washing
This science fair project idea determines which method of hand cleansing is the most effective.
4th grade
Science Project
The Effects of Temperature on Bounce
The Effects of Temperature on Bounce
Science Project
The Effects of Temperature on Bounce
This science fair project idea determines if the temperature of rubber effects how high it bounces.
4th grade
Science Project
How Does Sound Travel?
How Does Sound Travel?
Science Project
How Does Sound Travel?
The objective of this science fair project idea is to determine if sound travels best through the air, water or a solid.
4th grade
Science Project
Does The Color of Light Affect Plant Growth?
Does The Color of Light Affect Plant Growth?
Science Project
Does The Color of Light Affect Plant Growth?
This science fair project idea determines if the color of light affects the growth of plants.
4th grade
Science Project
Clay Enzyme
Clay Enzyme
Science Project
Clay Enzyme
This science fair project idea explores how enzyme inhibitors, active sites, non-competitive enzyme inhibitors, and substrates work.
4th grade
Science Project
Egg Lab
Egg Lab
Science Project
Egg Lab
This science fair project idea explores the egg's thin membrane.
4th grade
Science Project
Preserving Foods
Preserving Foods
Science Project
Preserving Foods
This science fair project idea determines the most effective method of preserving food.
4th grade
Science Project
Making A Rock In A Cup
Making A Rock In A Cup
Science Project
Making A Rock In A Cup
This science fair project idea creates a sedimentary rock and to investigate what takes place during the rock cycle.
4th grade
Science Project
Separating Mixtures
Separating Mixtures
Science Project
Separating Mixtures
This science fair project idea explores the different properties of matter.
4th grade
Science Project
Conductor or Insulator
Conductor or Insulator
Science Project
Conductor or Insulator
This science fair project idea determines what household items are good conductors of electricity.
4th grade
Science Project
Will A Plant Still Grow Even When You Put Something On Top Of It?
Will A Plant Still Grow Even When You Put Something On Top Of It?
Science Project
Will A Plant Still Grow Even When You Put Something On Top Of It?
Find out whether putting something on top of a plant will inhibit its growth.
4th grade
Science Project
Energy From Garbage: How to Make Biogas
Energy From Garbage: How to Make Biogas
Science Project
Energy From Garbage: How to Make Biogas
It's not actually that hard to get energy from garbage! Kids learn how to make biogas in the form of methane with this cool and easy science fair project idea.
4th grade
Science Project
How to Make an Anemometer
How to Make an Anemometer
Science Project
How to Make an Anemometer
Learn how to make an anemometer with step-by-step instructions in this cool science fair project idea for 4th grade.
4th grade
Science Project
Create a Contour Map
Create a Contour Map
Science Project
Create a Contour Map
The goal of this project is to create an exciting topographical map out of dough.
4th grade
Science Project
Arch Magic: The Unbreakable Egg
Arch Magic: The Unbreakable Egg
Science Project
Arch Magic: The Unbreakable Egg
This science fair project demonstrates the magic of arches by challenging students to stack telephone books on top of eggs without breaking them.
4th grade
Science Project
The Mozart Effect
The Mozart Effect
Science Project
The Mozart Effect
This science project encourages students to investigate the Mozart Effect, the idea that classical music promotes learning.
4th grade
Social studies
Science Project
How do Plants Absorb Water?
How do Plants Absorb Water?
Science Project
How do Plants Absorb Water?
Ever wondered how a plant drinks water? This science project will teach you how and help you create a beautiful floral display!
4th grade
Science Project