Search Physical Science Science Projects

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60 filtered results
Physical Science
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Sink or Swim: Calculating Density of Fruits and Vegetables
Sink or Swim: Calculating Density of Fruits and Vegetables
Science Project
Sink or Swim: Calculating Density of Fruits and Vegetables
Sink or swim? Calculate the density of various fruits and vegetables using water and a kitchen scale.
5th grade
Science Project
Testing the Solubility of Common Liquid Solvents
Testing the Solubility of Common Liquid Solvents
Science Project
Testing the Solubility of Common Liquid Solvents
In this fun science fair project idea learn about universal solvents and solutes and find out the solubility of several common liquid substances.
4th grade
Science Project
A Trick for the Eyes: Color Wheels and Optical Illusion Tops
A Trick for the Eyes: Color Wheels and Optical Illusion Tops
Science Project
A Trick for the Eyes: Color Wheels and Optical Illusion Tops
This science fair project idea experiments with spinning color wheels and optical illusions.
5th grade
Science Project
Pendulum Waves
Science Project
Pendulum Waves
Make stunning pendulum waves and learn the math behind the patterns generated with this cool and easy science project.
Science Project
How Sound Travels Through Air and Solids
How Sound Travels Through Air and Solids
Science Project
How Sound Travels Through Air and Solids
This classic children's game demonstrates how sound travels through air vs. through a solid.
Science Project
Talking to Plants
Talking to Plants
Science Project
Talking to Plants
This science fair project idea explores whether talking to a plant will help it grow.
3rd grade
Science Project
How to Make a PVC Pipe Instrument
How to Make a PVC Pipe Instrument
Science Project
How to Make a PVC Pipe Instrument
In this cool science fair project, kids apply basic algebra to learn how to make a PVC pipe instrument while exploring concepts like frequency and resonance.
Science Project
Changing the Pitch of Sound
Changing the Pitch of Sound
Science Project
Changing the Pitch of Sound
This science fair project idea produces varying pitches of sound.
4th grade
Science Project
Light Intensity and Distance
Light Intensity and Distance
Science Project
Light Intensity and Distance
In this physics project, learn about the relationship between light intensity and distance using a laser pointer, flashlight, and graph paper!
3rd grade
Science Project
How Well Does Sound Travel Through a Gas? A Liquid? A Solid?
Science Project
How Well Does Sound Travel Through a Gas? A Liquid? A Solid?
In this sound experiment children listen for differences as they tap on a bag of air, a bag of water, and a wooden block held up to their ears.
Science Project
Drum Size and Pitch
Science Project
Drum Size and Pitch
How does the size of a vibrating surface affect the pitch of a drum? Learn about drum size and pitch with this easy science fair project idea.
2nd grade
Science Project
Testing pH Levels in Everyday Foods and Household Products
Science Project
Testing pH Levels in Everyday Foods and Household Products
The goal of this science fair project is to assess the acidity levels of common food and household products using pH test strips.
Science Project
Mirrors and Reflection of Light
Mirrors and Reflection of Light
Science Project
Mirrors and Reflection of Light
This science fair project demonstrates the principles of reflection through simple experiments involving mirrors and light.
5th grade
Science Project
The Speed of Sound on a String
The Speed of Sound on a String
Science Project
The Speed of Sound on a String
This classic children's game-connecting two cups with a string-demonstrates sound's ability to travel through air vs through a solid.
Science Project
A Thunderous Sound
A Thunderous Sound
Science Project
A Thunderous Sound
Science fair project that examines what causes thunder and why a thunderclap sounds so loud. How is lightening related to the creation of sound waves?
2nd grade
Science Project
Van de Graaff Generator Experiments
Science Project
Van de Graaff Generator Experiments
Explore concepts in current and coltage with these Van de Graaff generator experiments.
Science Project
Acoustics: The Study of Sound
Acoustics: The Study of Sound
Science Project
Acoustics: The Study of Sound
The objective of this experiment is to identify common materials that absorb sound waves with the greatest efficiency.
Science Project
Creating Sound Through Vibrations
Creating Sound Through Vibrations
Science Project
Creating Sound Through Vibrations
This science fair project idea produces sounds by creating vibrations using different objects.
5th grade
Science Project
What Materials Block Radio Waves Most Effectively?
What Materials Block Radio Waves Most Effectively?
Science Project
What Materials Block Radio Waves Most Effectively?
In this fun science fair project idea learn about the multiple sources of radio waves and fin out how difficult it is to block them.
Science Project
High Frequency Hearing Test
High Frequency Hearing Test
Science Project
High Frequency Hearing Test
Little scientists will make inferences about hearing loss, pitch, and frequency in this great science fair idea that puts the human ear to the test.
5th grade
Science Project
Speaking Under Water
Speaking Under Water
Science Project
Speaking Under Water
Using an empty tennis ball can and a swimming pool, you will determine if it's possible to have a conversation under water.
3rd grade
Science Project
Echolocation Demonstration
Echolocation Demonstration
Science Project
Echolocation Demonstration
Demonstrate how we are able to locate sounds, echolocation. Have a blindfolded subject locate you by the sound of your clapping.
Science Project
What Instruments are Used to Create Bird Sounds in Classical Music?
What Instruments are Used to Create Bird Sounds in Classical Music?
Science Project
What Instruments are Used to Create Bird Sounds in Classical Music?
In this project students determine which instruments composers use to create birdsongs and birdcalls in classical music.
Science Project
Wave-Particle Duality of Light
Wave-Particle Duality of Light
Science Project
Wave-Particle Duality of Light
Explore the wave-particle duality of light! Learn how light can behave as both a wave and a particle in this cool physics science fair project idea for kids.
Science Project
A Distant Sound
A Distant Sound
Science Project
A Distant Sound
Find a mathematical relationship between the intensity of a sound wave and distance from the sound source. Use a pedometer and a sound level meter.
Science Project

Search Physical Science Science Projects

Our team of professional scientists, science teachers and educational consultants has put together an excellent collection of free physical science projects for kids. These include physics science fair projects, science experiments, and demonstrations that help kids explore the world of classical mechanics, as well as other great physical science topics: our hair-raising magnet and electricity experiments are sure to spark your child's scientific curiosity. Whether you’re looking for science fair project ideas for your child’s upcoming science fair or your little one simply loves conducting physical science experiments,’s physical science section is a fantastic free resource.