Help kids master fractions with the fun, fast-paced, math comparison game Fraction Wars. After a review, students are split into pairs to practice quickly comparing fractions with different numerators and denominators.
It's time to learn about time. In this hands-on lesson, students manipulate clock hands and jump across timelines in order to calculate the "distance" between different times and events.
In this lesson, students will learn how to add a one-digit number to a two-digit number. This will help students build upon the skills needed for regrouping larger numbers.
Stay active and encourage healthy eating with favorite fruits. This lesson emphasizes multiple core learning competencies including phonological awareness and greater than and less than number concepts.
A colorful and fun way to teach your students about subtraction. Cute creepy crawly bugs will entice your students to learn subtraction action. Added bonus is an opportunity to color bugs at the end of the worksheet.
Let's get clapping! Help students extend their knowledge of patterns by using rhythm. After making musical patterns, students will translate the patterns into shape patterns.
Shapes don't have to be puzzling. With this lesson, your students will learn shape names and shape identification as they put these simple puzzles together.
In this hands-on lesson, students will learn and use two methods of dividing whole numbers. They will roll dice to create their own unique equations for solving!
Fractions are everywhere! In this hands-on lesson, your class will work together in groups to find real-world examples of fractions. As they discover more complicated fractions, students will create their own word problems with them.
Your class will feel like royalty with this shape identification lesson. Help students find the runaway creature while they learn the names of shapes and practice their color identification.
Help your students create a basis for future math classes with this lesson that teaches children about math expressions and how they can interpret them.
In this leafy, plant-themed lesson, students will use leaves as they practice recognizing various numbers from 1 to 15. This lesson can be easily adapted for use with specific ranges of numbers.
The number ten has lots of friends, and they often come in pairs! Your students will sing a song, enjoy a video, play a game, and work on matching number pairs that make ten!
This hands-on lesson covers fractions and percentages. Children will have a great time interacting with their fellow classmates and completing surveys as they learn to represent parts of a whole.
Trying to find new, entertaining ways to spark an interest with your students in mathematics? Math is a subject that can be difficult to master, but easy to understand once made enjoyable. Use's engaging math lesson plans to create a strong foundation in counting numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, and more.