Search 3rd Grade Lesson Plans

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522 filtered results
3rd grade
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Lesson Plan
It's time to learn about time. In this hands-on lesson, students manipulate clock hands and jump across timelines in order to calculate the "distance" between different times and events.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
The Language of Landforms
The Language of Landforms
Lesson Plan
The Language of Landforms
Kinesthetic and visual learners will greatly enjoy this playful lesson. Using symbols and gestures, students explore the characteristics of various United States landforms.
3rd grade
Social studies
Lesson Plan
Action! Students Create Reader's Theater
Action! Students Create Reader's Theater
Lesson Plan
Action! Students Create Reader's Theater
Students will have a blast turning a reading passage into a Reader's Theater skit. This lesson teaches them to use dialogue to help readers understand the experiences of different characters.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Constellation Connections
Constellation Connections
Lesson Plan
Constellation Connections
Students connect dots to find stars used to navigate north and create a constellation of their own in this creative game format.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Skip Counting to Understand Multiplication
Skip Counting to Understand Multiplication
Lesson Plan
Skip Counting to Understand Multiplication
Teach your students to use skip counting as a strategy to multiply two single-digit factors.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Tree of Cranes
Tree of Cranes
Lesson Plan
Tree of Cranes
This winter-themed lesson plan, which incorporates the book Tree of Cranes by Allen Say, teaches students about Japanese traditions and customs. They will review the basic elements of a narrative story, and then write their own narratives about a special event or moment in their life.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Let's Play Ball
Let's Play Ball
Lesson Plan
Let's Play Ball
Students will have a ball with this data collection lesson plan where they learn about collecting and plotting data on a chart and line plot.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students will learn the term "troubleshooting" and practice solving problems using both tangible and virtual tools.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
I Am Human
I Am Human
Lesson Plan
I Am Human
Deliberate practice of gratitude is a powerful way to grow happiness and build resilience. In this lesson, students will create a book as a way of reflecting on being human and practicing gratitude.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Heartbeats: Learning about the Heart
Heartbeats: Learning about the Heart
Lesson Plan
Heartbeats: Learning about the Heart
This lesson will make your students realize that even though they take their heart for granted, the heart is working hard to pump blood to different parts of the body to keep them healthy and running!
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Gram I Am
Gram I Am
Lesson Plan
Gram I Am
How do your students measure up when it comes to metrics? This lesson introduces young mathematicians to grams and kilograms and allows them to explore the units' real world applications.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
What's Your Phase?
What's Your Phase?
Lesson Plan
What's Your Phase?
This lesson engages students in activity to help them understand the phases of the Moon, and why they occur. Students read literature, analyze it, and then apply it to the small group performance of one cycle of the Moon’s phases.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
A Liter Please
A Liter Please
Lesson Plan
A Liter Please
This lesson introduces students to measuring and estimating liquid volume, using liters (l) as the standard unit of measurement.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Belly Breathing To Calm, Focus and De-Stress
Belly Breathing To Calm, Focus and De-Stress
Lesson Plan
Belly Breathing To Calm, Focus and De-Stress
Do your kids need a breather? In this lesson, students will learn the circle process and help write guidelines for community building and SEL instruction. Students will learn the practice of belly breathing to help self-soothe, calm and focus.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
The Solar System: Learning about Planets
The Solar System: Learning about Planets
Lesson Plan
The Solar System: Learning about Planets
Use this lesson to have your students research about a planet of their choice and present it to the class! This lesson will also give the creative students of your class an opportunity to make their own planets!
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
I Spy Clouds
I Spy Clouds
Lesson Plan
I Spy Clouds
Heads up! Students become cloud experts before making custom clouds, complete with weather predictions!
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Types Of Forests
Types Of Forests
Lesson Plan
Types Of Forests
Use this lesson to teach your students about the various types of forests by drawing them on a box!
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
My Best Self
My Best Self
Lesson Plan
My Best Self
Seeing the best in ourselves can support us emotionally, socially, and academically. In this lesson, students will reflect on when they have been their best selves, and they'll practice loving kindness during a mindfulness session.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Divide it Up!
Divide it Up!
Lesson Plan
Divide it Up!
Make division come to life with this hands-on, introductory lesson on the operation of division! Students will use authentic problems and manipulatives to experience division in action.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Yoga Flow
Yoga Flow
Lesson Plan
Yoga Flow
In this lesson, students will learn self-regulation techniques and be guided through yoga stretches and movements. Then, they will write about how yoga makes them feel and how it may help reduce stress.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Silly Sentences
Silly Sentences
Lesson Plan
Silly Sentences
Help your students learn how the various parts of speech work together to lengthen and enrich simple sentences. In this lesson, young writers will enjoy constructing wacky sentences with different parts of speech.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Parts of Speech: Breaking Down Sentences
Parts of Speech: Breaking Down Sentences
Lesson Plan
Parts of Speech: Breaking Down Sentences
Let your students find out that the sentences they speak so easily are formed of many different parts. Have them break down sentences to learn the various parts that form a sentence!
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
I Like Myself
I Like Myself
Lesson Plan
I Like Myself
Students will explore self-esteem through the book I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont. They will write secret kindness notes to others and to themselves, and reflect on how self-esteem can support connection with oneself and the community.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
What's My Area?
What's My Area?
Lesson Plan
What's My Area?
Young mathematicians will enjoy demonstrating their skills with this lesson on finding area. It addresses the concepts of length, width, and square units.
3rd grade
Lesson Plan
Drawn Together
Drawn Together
Lesson Plan
Drawn Together
In this lesson, students will hear the story Drawn Together and create a Diversity Board. They will consider how appreciating each other's differences in school supports relationships and community.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan

Search 3rd Grade Lesson Plans

Third graders benefit greatly from a well-rounded curriculum that builds upon the mastery of the basics, especially with the introduction of more complex mathematics such as fractions, decimals, and division. Give students a head start by constructing upon their strong foundation with the applicable complex skills that's third grade lesson plans provides!