Search 5th Grade Reading & Writing Guided Lessons

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5th grade
Reading & Writing
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Figurative Language
Figurative Language
Guided Lesson
Figurative Language
As students begin to read more sophisticated texts, understanding how authors use figurative language becomes critical. In this unit, students will revisit some of the figurative language they learned in fourth grade and also study some new ones too, including onomatopoeia, hyperbole, puns and oxymorons. Analyzing how figurative language is used in texts will help readers apply what they have learned.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Sentences 4
Sentences 4
Guided Lesson
Sentences 4
A sentence stands alone to express a complete thought. Surprisingly, most 5th graders still need to revisit the concepts of complete sentences and fragments and how to punctuate the four different kinds of sentences. Combining shorter sentences into longer, more complex sentences is another skill that requires practice. Students get all of that needed review in this unit, in addition to learning how to identify and fix run-on sentences.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Verbs and Adverbs 2
Verbs and Adverbs 2
Guided Lesson
Verbs and Adverbs 2
Verbs do a lot of the heavy lifting in good writing. Understanding the different kinds of verbs and how they are used enables students to write more compellingly. Students will explore how tenses work and how they must agree with and sometimes work together with other words in the sentence. Students will also learn about adverbs, the "sister" part of speech that enhance, or modify, verbs.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
Guided Lesson
Parts of Speech
Words work together in a sentence, each one performing a different task. By fifth grade, students have become more adept readers and writers and they are familiar with the basic parts of speech. The activities in this unit revisit some of the basics and also add depth to their existing understanding. Students will engage in such topics as superlative adjectives, correlative conjunctions and prepositional phrases, to name a few.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Spelling 3
Spelling 3
Guided Lesson
Spelling 3
This series of spelling activities provides 5th grade spelling lists and exercises that target grade level spelling patterns. Students will learn spelling related word patters like homophones and long vowels in multi-syllable words and also how the spelling of words is affected by adding suffixes. Students will also examine and learn some more commonly misspelled words in the English language.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 2
Guided Lesson
Vocabulary 2
This unit not only builds students' vocabulary, it also enables students to explore how words are related, in meaning, sound and construction. Learners will also discover some of the ways words are constructed using derivational root words, prefixes, suffixes, and compound words. Students will also learn strategies we use to shorten words and phrases like acronyms and abbreviations.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Comma Usage
Comma Usage
Guided Lesson
Comma Usage
The mysterious comma is arguably the trickiest form of punctuation, which is why assigned it it’s own unit in 5th grade. As students become more sophisticated writers they craft more complex sentences. They incorporate independent phrases and clauses, generate compound sentences, and utilize transition words to combine ideas - and the exercises in this unit will teach them how to use commas correctly in each scenario.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Word Structure 3
Word Structure 3
Guided Lesson
Word Structure 3
When students learn the patterns and structures of words they become word wizards! They are able to more fluently convert a word from one part of speech to another, adjust the meaning, or translate a word from singular to plural (or vice versa). In this set of activities students will build on their knowledge of word structure and practice adding prefixes and suffixes, changing tenses and using contractions.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Letter Writing 3
Letter Writing 3
Guided Lesson
Letter Writing 3
In this unit, students are encouraged to write letters to family and friends about a book they are reading. In the letters the will apply the skills learned in this unit, including how to structure a letter, punctuating titles of books and short stories, using possessives (in reference to the characters or ideas in the book), contractions and addressing an envelope. Don’t forget to request a response - getting a personal letter in the mail in this electronic age can be a thrill!
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson
Guided Lesson
Mastering pronouns enables students' writing to be more sophisticated. They are able to construct more complex sentences and express ideas more original ways. This short unit focuses on possessive, indefinite and reflexive pronouns, in addition to pronoun and antecedent agreement.
5th grade
Reading & Writing
Guided Lesson