This workbook is all about helping first graders ace their money math. Counting coins, word problems, and coin matching will help familiarize kids with the basics of money.
This workbook makes sense of cents and the dollar bill. This set of worksheets will usher kids through counting, matching prices to money, and making change, with word problems and visual aids.
As second graders deepen their understanding of value, money will take an important place in the math curriculum. You can help teach kids the value of coins with this guided money lesson, designed by our team of curriculum experts. The lesson features targeted instruction and helpful exercises that provide practical real-life examples for kids to use in practicing this skill.
Kids love holding, counting, and pretending with money, so why not add in a little math practice on the side? Kids add up the orders and figure out the change.
Money math practice sharpens minds and fattens wallets. offers a mix of money math tools to hone this useful skill. Whether preschoolers are familiarizing themselves with what money looks like or if fifth graders are dividing with decimals, there are resources in the Learning Library to transform practical money practice into future financial prowess.
Counting Cash: Money Math Resources
Money is used on a daily basis, so it's essential for children to know how to use it responsibly. That is why the Learning Library supplies teachers, parents and tutors with a generous supply of money math resources for preschoolers and up.
The hundreds of printable worksheets range from lessons on basic money terms to word challenges. Some assignments take students ""shopping"" at coffee shops or a sports store to learn practical money word problems. Young students learn how to count money and how cents translates to dollars. A variety of coloring worksheets familiarize small students with how money looks.
For interactive lessons, the resource library possesses multiple online games where kids can sort money or learn decimal division with pennies. There is an assortment of hands-on activities and games that utilize real money for practice. Kids can compete to count to a dollar first with a racing game or build their own construction paper piggy bank.
There are many step-by-step guides that are created by professional educators. Popular lessons such as Money Math, Show Me the Money and Add It Up! Counting Money make teaching streamlined, yet entertaining. An abundance of other guided lessons, interactive books and more are easy to access from the Learning Library to teach students to be money masters.