Lesson Plan

Dicey Division

In this hands-on lesson, students will learn and use two methods of dividing whole numbers. They will roll dice to create their own unique equations for solving!
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Comparing Two Division Methods pre-lesson.
View aligned standards
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Comparing Two Division Methods pre-lesson.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to solve division problems with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors using both the digit-by-digit method and the rectangle sections method.

The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments


(3 minutes)
Doing Dicey DivisionExtra Practice #3Extra Practice #9
  • Ask students to name strategies for solving multiplication problems. Possible answers include arrays, lattices, and partial products.
  • Explain to students that just like there are different ways for solving multiplication problems, there are different methods to solve division problems too. Tell students that today they will be exploring two of these methods and by the end of the lesson you hope they find one that works best for them.


  • Allow students to use their home language (L1) or new language (L2) in their discussions throughout the whole lesson.
  • Draw sketches next to all the vocabulary words (e.g., lattices, area model, etc.) so that they can visualize the term. Allow them to draw pictures in their math dictionary notebook as well.


  • Write the academic language they can use throughout the lesson on the board as you introduce the language.