Search 3rd Grade Social Emotional Lesson Plans

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41 filtered results
3rd grade
Social emotional
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I Am Human
I Am Human
Lesson Plan
I Am Human
Deliberate practice of gratitude is a powerful way to grow happiness and build resilience. In this lesson, students will create a book as a way of reflecting on being human and practicing gratitude.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Belly Breathing To Calm, Focus and De-Stress
Belly Breathing To Calm, Focus and De-Stress
Lesson Plan
Belly Breathing To Calm, Focus and De-Stress
Do your kids need a breather? In this lesson, students will learn the circle process and help write guidelines for community building and SEL instruction. Students will learn the practice of belly breathing to help self-soothe, calm and focus.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
My Best Self
My Best Self
Lesson Plan
My Best Self
Seeing the best in ourselves can support us emotionally, socially, and academically. In this lesson, students will reflect on when they have been their best selves, and they'll practice loving kindness during a mindfulness session.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Yoga Flow
Yoga Flow
Lesson Plan
Yoga Flow
In this lesson, students will learn self-regulation techniques and be guided through yoga stretches and movements. Then, they will write about how yoga makes them feel and how it may help reduce stress.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
I Like Myself
I Like Myself
Lesson Plan
I Like Myself
Students will explore self-esteem through the book I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont. They will write secret kindness notes to others and to themselves, and reflect on how self-esteem can support connection with oneself and the community.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Drawn Together
Drawn Together
Lesson Plan
Drawn Together
In this lesson, students will hear the story Drawn Together and create a Diversity Board. They will consider how appreciating each other's differences in school supports relationships and community.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Friendship Tea
Friendship Tea
Lesson Plan
Friendship Tea
The recipe for friendship includes kindness, honesty, and understanding, among other things! In this lesson, students will discuss the recipe for friendship, make a perfect pot of tea, and reflect on how to make upset friends feel better.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
The Way I Act
The Way I Act
Lesson Plan
The Way I Act
In this lesson, students will hear the story "The Way I Act" and complete two activities connected to the story. They will practice mindful breathing and explore how to have more control over their bodies, behaviors, emotions, and choices.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Special Talents
Special Talents
Lesson Plan
Special Talents
In this lesson, students will work in groups and cut out pictures to make a collage that encapsulates their greatest strengths and talents. The class will compile all their collages to showcase their talents.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Problem Solving and Cooperation
Problem Solving and Cooperation
Lesson Plan
Problem Solving and Cooperation
Group work can build cooperation and problem-solving skills inside and outside of the classroom! In this lesson, students will discuss cooperation and practice using cooperative techniques in human knot and tower-building activities.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: A Home Inside
Mindfulness: A Home Inside
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: A Home Inside
We all have our own home of feelings inside, like a shell that we can tuck into when needed. This we learn from turtles, and now your students can too. This lesson helps students access that place inside full of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Elaborating on My Feelings
Elaborating on My Feelings
Lesson Plan
Elaborating on My Feelings
Identifying and describing their feelings is an important part of the way children develop social skills. This lesson teaches your students how to identify feelings, and then elaborate on them by speaking and writing in complete sentences.
3rd grade
Reading & Writing
Lesson Plan
Learning How to Practice Gratitude
Learning How to Practice Gratitude
Lesson Plan
Learning How to Practice Gratitude
It all starts with gratitude. In this lesson, students will reflect on what they are grateful for and create a gratitude card and web of gratitude.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: Mindful Listening
Mindfulness: Mindful Listening
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: Mindful Listening
Owls hear so well that they can hunt in the dark. Have your students try on their owl ears! In this lesson, students open up their ears to all the sounds around them, close and far away, and go on a sound hunt.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: Deep Relaxation
Mindfulness: Deep Relaxation
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: Deep Relaxation
Deep relaxation in school? Yes, it is possible! Through this process you will guide students to consciously focus on relaxing various body parts, leading to a visualization to help relax their full body mindfully.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: The Outside and Inside Present
Mindfulness: The Outside and Inside Present
Lesson Plan
Mindfulness: The Outside and Inside Present
What happens when students explore their senses on the inside? This lesson encourages students to look at, listen to, and feel what is happening on the inside through practicing mindfulness.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
The Compassionate Classroom
The Compassionate Classroom
Lesson Plan
The Compassionate Classroom
In this lesson, students will discuss compassion, hear from a local nonprofit about their compassionate work in the community, and design a compassion sculpture made mostly out of recycled materials.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Mindful Animal Movement
Mindful Animal Movement
Lesson Plan
Mindful Animal Movement
Let's move mindfully, with focus and ease, like a frog or a gorilla! In this lesson, students will practice mindful movement and come up with their own mindful animal movements that they can then teach to a peer.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Soaking in the Good
Soaking in the Good
Lesson Plan
Soaking in the Good
In this lesson, students will explore how sadness, loneliness, gratitude, connection, and love feel in their bodies. They will also learn about negativity bias and practice “soaking in the good” by savoring positive feelings.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
We Are Peacemakers
We Are Peacemakers
Lesson Plan
We Are Peacemakers
On some level, all humans want to feel peace and to feel loved. In this lesson, students will practice sending peaceful thoughts to themselves and others and discuss how these practices can support peace in their lives and community.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Kindness Goes a Long Way
Kindness Goes a Long Way
Lesson Plan
Kindness Goes a Long Way
Performing acts of kindness and love can bring classrooms together! In this lesson, students will hear true stories of random acts of kindness and will perform kind deeds of their own in groups.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Listening to What Matters
Listening to What Matters
Lesson Plan
Listening to What Matters
In this lesson, students will learn the importance of nonviolent communication and listening to others in order to have a more supportive community.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
The Power of Words
The Power of Words
Lesson Plan
The Power of Words
Words can uplift others, but they can also cause harm. In this lesson, students will hear the story Desmond and the Very Mean Word, and they'll discuss the power of positive and negative words in friendships, school, and community.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Animal Poses to Create Calm
Animal Poses to Create Calm
Lesson Plan
Animal Poses to Create Calm
Mindful movement can support calm and can also be fun! In this lesson, students will create their own animal pose to teach the class, then journal and draw a picture of themselves in their mindful movement animal pose.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan
Relating with Empathy
Relating with Empathy
Lesson Plan
Relating with Empathy
Being able to step into another's shoes can support healthy relationships and compassionate young people! Students will be able to define the word "empathy." They will discuss different scenarios and perform skits that illustrate empathy.
3rd grade
Social emotional
Lesson Plan