Lesson Plan

Counting Coins

Help your students learn to count money with this teacher-approved lesson. They'll love learning how much their favorite things are worth.
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Identifying Coin Values pre-lesson.
View aligned standards
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Identifying Coin Values pre-lesson.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to recognize coins and identify their values.

The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments


(5 minutes)
Counting CoinsPresent Math 2Present Math 3
  • Ask your students to name the different coins used in the United States.
  • Show the students the different coins, and tell them what each coin is called.


  • Pre-teach coin names and values to students prior to the lesson and have students orally share the names and values with you after the lesson to check for understanding.
  • Provide students with a chart that lists the names on the coins with corresponding visuals and the coin's worth.


  • Have students do a think-pair-share, explaining the different coin names to their partners.
  • Ask students to repeat the names of the coins aloud after you say them.

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